The Strangest Thing: Another decent frozen pizza?!

When I saw a new brand of frozen pizza, I was awash with a mix of emotions. Pizza has brought me a great deal of joy throughout my life, but my mental and physical health have been improving tremendously since I ran out of frozen pizzas to review. In fact, I am writing this on the third anniversary of this site’s inception. I have mixed feelings about returning to the old life. The life of gritty frozen pizza news coverage. The life of food crime. To learn, then, that that new brand was, in fact, a promotional pizza for the new season of Stranger Things made me feel a great sorrow. I want a new brand; a new champion. I want a frozen pizza hero. I do not need another “Surfer Boy” in my life.

Let it be known that I am not a Netflix-enjoyer. Between their constant price hikes for declining content quality, adding ads to the platform, their crusade against account sharing, and the fact that they rejected me for a job when I needed it most: I have decided to end my subscription after 14 years. I do not regret it. Offer a good service, and I’ll happily pay.

Fortunately, the brand that was chosen to actually CREATE this collaboration was Palermo's: a pizza I’ve formerly given an 8/10. One of my chief complaints at the time was a lack of toppings, which this new pizza has in spades. Could it be that someone up the ladder at Palermo’s is a fan? A reader? If you’re out there, please, send me a sign. Or an email. Or a job offer.

I’m still not a fan of the thicker crust, especially if that crust is lacking a niche of its own. I don’t want bread, I want bread with sauce and cheese! Anyways, this pizza is good. It’s a shame the show isn’t (anymore).


  • Delicious toppings, in abundance.

  • Good sauce, good cheese.


  • Not enough cheese (-1 point)

  • Too much crust (-1 point)



Not Legit; should quit?


An International Non-Sequitur Announcement: Flatey is good.