Kettle River: not just a bunch of alcohol anymore!

Before I even get started on this review I want to say: their web presence is dismal. Not only is the below picture the best photo I could find of the pre-cooked pizza, but their website crashed intermittently while trying to download it. I feel bad even talking about their product, out of fear that the 2-3 google searches people will do to investigate the brand will take them completely out of commission. I also understand that they are a Northern Minnesota brand, but they basically only sell their food in 2-3 stores in the twin cities. Seems like a bad business move to not sell where the people are. Anyway, it’s not really a very thin crust pizza but it was very filling and pretty good. I’ll probably never see one of these again.


  • I managed to find it?

  • It looks good, tastes alright


  • Crust was too thick. (-1 point)

  • Too much sauce, which was also fairly flavorless. (-1 point)

  • Cheese also didn’t pack much of a punch. (-1 point)



Mr. Palermo’s Neighborhood


If pizza was a Quest, I want to abandon this one