Frozen Pizza Ratings

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Mr. Palermo’s Neighborhood

This was another pizza that I, unfortunately, purchased in haste without realizing there was a thinner crust variety. Nevertheless, this pizza surprised me by being not bad. Obviously, the thicker crust made it more spongey, but that didn’t detract from the sauce that genuinely confused my taste buds, and the variations of pepperoni chunks and slices that really added a nice kick. Between each bite I couldn’t figure out if the sauce tasted like a homemade ketchup or if it was just a nice tomato sauce. I’m making it sound worse than it was, I enjoyed it. The perfect pizza to eat while watching the news and confirming for the 80th time that President Fuckass supports white terrorism.


  • Awesome toppings, though not quite enough

  • Great cheese


  • Great sauce, but too much of it. If it had been balanced by a bit more cheese and pepperoni, it would’ve been great. (-1 point)

  • Partially my own fault, but the crust was too thick/spongey to enjoy. (-1 point)
